Post Garden

In the beginning was a void. What we see now has all been created by the most intelligent mind that has ever been. We simply call this mind, God. In archaic bibles He was called Jehovah but His actual name has been lost in time so we have only the consonants YHWH. Yaweh (YHVH- in Hebrew) is another name for Him/

It was shortly after creation when the Earth provided everything we needed to live beautifully our original parents, Adam and Eve, chose to eat of the one fruit not allowed them by Jehovah. Which fruit that was in unknown but “apple” can suffice. Before the Garden Jehovah had taken that void and created our universe placing the Earth in special circumstances to allow life for us. So, this means that our universe is not where God resides. Heaven is not part of all that we know. It is outside this universe.

I post this as we are in times which allow detraction from the Biblical reckoning of how we all came to be. I am not attempting to convince anyone of anything but only to give you room to consider that which a lot of people do not understand nor ever contemplated. A reality which, when studied in detail, makes more sense than all the theory of science that has been thrown out for so many hundreds of years.

I also take issue with churches who do not allow the bible to be considered as truth. Truth is not in the eye of the beholder, truth is from the mouth of God and God gave us the bible to teach, right wrongs, and set things straight. The bible does not give up truth lightly and is easily warped to mean what some want it to mean. It is only thorough study and adherence to the word that people begin to understand it’s message.

Visits: 60

Western Civilization Being Christian OK, So, the Bible.
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