
“Who owns America?”

You know, it is past time to declare who owns America. Who is in charge of this country as predefined in our founding documents and who works for us, not the other way around. There are thousands of reasons for this to be written, this little blurb in a vast network of verbiage. It came to me that my service in combat plus my unimportant and virtual invisibility to our government, lest I don’t pay my taxes, was wasted.

We have been at a nexus of losing our shares of America to the elite class. Those, who in their closed little minds, know better than us who needs to run our lives for us as we are incapable of making important decisions. We are simply too stupid to govern ourselves. the whole reason our founding laws were written is that our founders foresaw this coming. It is an eventuality that is painted in black all over world history. A thing that is human nature but energized by imperfection, flaws.

Rather than go on and on it falls upon those who see clearly that we are the ones who own America. You and I, the little people who have worked and slaved just to pay our taxes and our taxes are now much too high for what we get in return. We are becoming slaves to the plantation owners, in thought only. The millionaires and billionaires who have mastery over this government of OURS. The pundits who lie and cheat to usurp our freedom of speech and action. Can you afford to take two week vacations any longer? Can you purchase a new car? Afford a new house? Do you even work or are you on the government doll having me pay for your livelihood?

We are saps if we continue going along with this as we are now at the cusp of being slaves. Slaves to the plantation of the original plantation owners: the Democrats. You who are Democrats owe it to your children to stop your party in its tracks and bring it back into the fold that was once America. The fold of striving and being able to live as we please just as myself and my parents did. My children and grandchildren are not able to partake of what we of mine and past generations partook in. It is raised beyond the bar for them and in only a few short decades. Those decades of Democrat rule.

I once was a Democrat. I dumped them and moved on after Vietnam. A war the Democrats started and, like Joe Biden, unceremoniously left after millions of deaths were perpetrated which, it turns out, was for no good reason other than to bolster the accounts of the military-industrial complex. It still goes on and the notes of music you hear are those of a dirge.

Visits: 45

The Other Shoe Given That I was Young Trump
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